Organize, Please… iPhone Apps

Confession: I’ve only recently begun to take my iPhone app organization seriously. I really decided to pare down on the number of apps I had and get them all organized properly on a whim.
I’ve never had a subway ride go faster in my life… and it stopped four times between 14th St and Grand Central. I’m honestly glad that I was trapped underground without the chance to read because I would have otherwise never gotten around to cleaning things up!
It’s the simplest thing, but having all my apps in order makes using my iPhone so much easier. I got rid of junk, rediscovered some old apps, and know where everything is.
I was going to do screenshots and just explain it, but I decided that a video walkthrough might be better. Of course, my editing software isn’t working super great. So be prepared for some awkward pauses… and like two half sentences. Eep! While filming the video, I also highlight some of my favorite apps.

Links mentioned during video:
iPhone Case from Casemate
iPhone Background
Lilly Pulitzer Charger // J. Crew Charger

How do you organize your apps? What are your favorite apps?

PS Here are the apps I use to edit Instagram photos.
PPS Check out these iPhone apps you don’t need… but should download anyway!

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I organized my apps a couple of months ago, and like you, was hesitant at first. However, I am really glad I took the time to do it! Also, with the iOS 7 update, due this fall, apps will automatically update, so you won't have those little numbers popping up all the time on the app store!

Flor Ghigliazza

You seriously read my mind! I was about to organize my apps today (I have a long trip and I was planning to do that while I was sitting in the car doing nothing) because they're kind of separated into folders (Bookmarks/Music/Photography/Social) but there are a lot of apps I just don't use and I plan to delete.

I may sound really obsessed, but I always organize them in alphabetical order inside the folders, it's easier for me to find apps, and much faster.

Have a nice day!

P.S.: Love your backgrounds are great! I was using the 'Follow your dreams' one and now I switched it to the 'Attitude is everything' one. (Love polka dots!)


Carly, Your San Miguel neighbor here. Tip: Have your first screen totally empty. Then your wallpaper shows with nothing on top.

More apps you don't need but want: imdb for when you can't remember where you know that actor from and Monogram (Custom Wallpaper) – but you do that great without the app, it appears.

Hunter Thiers

Orginizing my iphone was great too! I have never had too many apps that my phone has been extremely clutered, but even so the few I had were out of order. Some of my favorites include GasBuddy (finds the cheapest gas in the area), Instagram, and StudyBlue (virtual notecards!).

Sonal Kumar

One of my favorite health apps is My Fitness Pal. While it is supposed to be used to help you lose weight, I use it for the other great features it offers. Similar to a food diary, you record all your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks), water intake, and duration and calories lost during exercise. Studies have shown that keeping track of your meals makes you more likely to make more health conscious decisions. If there's a food item that you eat regularly but the search menu doesn't have it (for me, that's sprouted grain bread instead of regular bread and natural, unsalted peanut butter), you can use the scanner to take a picture of the barcode on your product and it automatically saves it to your frequent foods. In my opinion, the absolute best part about this particular app is at the end of the day when you have logged everything from the day, you get a detailed summary. It will tell you calories (consumed by food, lost by exercise, and net calories), but also tells you if you haven't met a daily requirement (such as calcium, magnesium, iron, etc). It's easy to assume you are eating healthy and doing good for yourself, but in reality you may be missing on an important vitamin needed to fuel your body and this app does a great job in helping you target that to prevent deficiencies in your diet.

Rachelle M

I am super minimalist with my iPhone apps, but there are some apps that I use all the time like CardMunch, for storing digital copies of business cards, Open Table, for making dinner reservations, and Bump, for sharing contacts. I also use Shoeboxed for expensing things for work.


I feel like I'm not using my iPhone like an adult, most of what's on there are games, except the iDrated app and instagram and my email. But I also really love the Whatsapp app, I use it to talk to my friend in England and neither one of us have to pay overseas rates. I'm also completely in love with Smart Glass which lets me control my xbox from my phone when my controllers aren't charged. Which is often.

Fashion and Happy Things

Mary Erickson

Wow! Thanks for the inspiration, Carly! I just reorganized my phone and downloaded some apps you suggested. I have everything in nine folders! It looks so neat and tidy! Now you should post a video on how you organize your room. I need motivation to do that too!


Carly, what was the "Tender" app you mentioned in the video? It was on the second page right next to your work app. I haven't heard of it and couldn't track it down on the app store.



It'd be super cool if you could do some screen shots of your folders/home screen as well. Maybe it's just me, but I am having the worst time seeing your apps through the camera!
