
My Election Post

I’m assuming I don’t need to go into detail about what transpired this past week in American history. Everyone’s talking about it everywhere. Horrified whispers in the cereal aisle of the grocery store, fifteen paragraph diatribes on Facebook, and Snapchat filtered rants. I’ve tried to avoid talking about it on here. For the most part, I try to keep things neutral. I think everything has its time and place, and, in my opinion, this is not the place for politics.

Except I was wrong about something. I should have been more proactive about encouraging people to vote. I was naive and thought that it was an assumed task in every adult’s life, like paying taxes. I really thought most people did vote. Then the day of the election happened, and I saw a lot of posts on Facebook about sitting out this election, Instagrams proclaiming this was their first time voting (despite being in their 30s), and the polls which show that nearly half of the country didn’t vote.

Voting, and having a say in politics both locally and nationally, is an incredible privilege. People have marched, protested, and fought for your right to vote. To not is a shame. Voter efficacy can be a challenge. I understand how it can feel like your vote doesn’t “really” matter. But I like to think of it as a choir. Yes, if one person doesn’t sing, it’s not noticeable; the rest of the choir bolsters the song. But what happens when everyone thinks their voice doesn’t matter? If half the choir sits out a song, the performance surely suffers. If only the sopranos sing, the song is not complete, and if only the altos sing, the song is not complete. I believe it’s the same for participating with voting.

This election proves that votes do matter, even if you don’t live in a “swing” state. You never know what it’s going to come down to.

Even if you missed last week’s election, go ahead and register now to check it off your list.

And there’s something else that I was wrong about.

Even though I haven’t mentioned it at all on here, I’ve been watching this election like crazy. Ever since high school, I have been extremely interested in politics. I think it has something to do with the fact that I can be kind of bossy and I never shy away from sharing my opinion. I have never been afraid of standing by what I believed and I would get into all kinds of crazy debates with my high school friends. (It was great though– it always pushed all of our beliefs and we did it in good spirits.)

I never could quite figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up and had a few plans (endocrinologist, editor in chief of a magazine, etc.). The one that I had for the longest was to go to law school and eventually become a judge. One Christmas, all I wanted was the “JUDGE for Yourself” board game, which I got and forced all my friends to play with me. Secretly, I also wanted to run, and become, the president. I’d calculate the election year I’d be old enough (2024) and write drafts of speeches I’d surely want to give on scraps of paper.


Two future Georgetown students and a Harvard student in that group… not really surprising. We did a student leadership retreat with other YIG members in Florida.

In high school, I was very involved in Youth in Government. I think most of the kids were doing it to look good on their college resumes, but I genuinely loved everything about it. The year that my bill (about making helmets on motorcycles mandatory) was voted to be second on the docket was a huge accomplishment and something I was so proud of.


My friends in Tallahassee for the 2006 State Assembly– can’t believe that was a decade ago!!!


Making calls during my internship!

I loved YIG so much that I even interned for one of the candidates in the 2008 election the summer before my freshman year at Georgetown. It was an exciting summer. Sitting in a room making calls to registered voters while the news played on five giant televisions constantly… I felt like I was making a difference. However, I also witnessed some things that made me uncomfortable. Not necessarily anything illegal, but I saw rules bent or creatively circumvented. My passion and fire for politics started to fade just a little bit. I started to think, “Maybe this isn’t for me.”

It’s not an exaggeration to say that 25% of American students at Georgetown secretly (or not so secretly) dream of becoming president. It felt a little bit like a competition. The person living in Bill Clinton’s old dorm room definitely had a competitive edge, we thought. No photos with red cups, ever. (Much easier back when we still used Blackberries.) Who was taking the right classes? What organizations were going to look the best for a political career?

Unfortunately, my first semester was riddled with mental health problems. It was definitely in the back of my mind of how I would hide this if, as I hoped, I did run for president eventually. And then there was this guy. He walked around campus in a blazer most days, an American flag pinned to his lapel without question. It was so obvious that he had presidential aspirations. After some party (in which he undoubtedly dodged any red cup controversies), we ended up back in my dorm room and I’ll never forget what he said to me. “You spent a night in the hospital, I could never marry you.” Once I got over the initial shock that he was talking about marriage after knowing each other for a few hours, I realized what he really meant. He was saying I could never be First Lady (guys, this is so Georgetown, by the way) and I was thinking that he was right about one thing: I could never run for president now.

After that, I let my White House dreams go, even though they’d creep back in every now and then.

This week, after this election, was the first time where I realized just how wrong I was. Both about voting, but also that I didn’t belong in politics.

I’ve seen a number of posts and talked to a few of my friends where the conversations circle around, “What can I do to be more involved?” I saw pledges to donate money to campaigns and organizations; I saw promises to work on campaigns in the future; I saw commitments to volunteering in communities.

But what I didn’t see was anyone saying that they themselves would run for some kind of position. Most of my audience on here is women. Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton were the only women who took the stage during any of the main debates this election. Those odds are not good. We need more women involved in politics. From local communities right on up to Washington, DC.

I was so turned off by what I saw when I interned that I thought it wasn’t for me, instead of thinking, “I need to be involved so it doesn’t look like this.” I forgot about my own political efficacy, beyond just my vote. It seems impossible, but like that choir, every voice does matter.

Growing up, I was surrounded by so many incredible adults who were running and campaigning. My friends’ parents were involved in state campaigns and we’d scooter around door to door dropping off pamphlets in neighborhoods during our weekends. A friend’s mom was even our mayor. I saw people (men and women) that I knew involved in politics and it’s only now that I realize that’s not the case for everyone. I never doubted that a woman could run for president or will be president because of the community I was raised in.

It’s so easy to think that there needs to be diversity, that there needs to be more voices heard… I agree. And I think we all have the opportunity to bring that diversity to the table and to let our voices be heard. It starts from the ground up. I think we all have to do what we can. If you’re a teacher, that might be starting a Youth in Government program or getting involved with an existing one. Students joining their student governments and interning with campaigns. Parents having open and positive (!!!) conversations about politics and what’s going on in current events with their kids. Volunteering as a Big Sister in your community. Getting involved with local elections and knowing about local issues. Voting is the bare minimum… but I think if you really want to make a change, particularly if you don’t like what’s happening, you have to roll up your sleeves and get in there.

In full disclosure, I don’t know what getting involved looks like for me just yet. I’m doing some soul searching and will be reaching out to my network to learn more and dip my toe in the water. It’s too important to think you don’t deserve to or can’t have a seat in the room where it happens.

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Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

I always think it’s really interesting when people preface what they say with “I don’t usually talk about politics but…” You’re too right about voting being the bare minimum, and to see that nearly half of the country didn’t do even that is disheartening. But on a happier note, the shoes you wore to the polls were on point 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s


I’m really glad you commented on this.
As someone that is similar to you that’s in high school right now (bet you can never guess what my top college choice is..?:)), I have been devasted by this recent election. I followed it quite closely and was so looking forward to celebrating Hillary’s victory. I am not ashamed to say that I openly cried in class Wednesday morning (I was in good company).
This election seems to have woken everybody up. I personally am determined to start volunteering more; I’m going to college next year and all the places on my list have an ACLU nearby. I’d really like to work with them; they are very involved with issues I care about deeply.
Not sure if you’ve ever heard of this particular career route, but there is a program at Yale where you can study legal journalism. Most people that come out of the program write about the Supreme Court and similar institutions. With your background it could make a lot of sense.


This post really hit home for me. I became interested in politics during university and I too am searching for ways to make a difference and change the conversation now that the future is so unclear. The first step is to start talking about it and then to take action. Thank you for sharing!


Met you at the meetup this week. I work here in D.C. at a nonprofit where I do communications around the importance of smooth presidential transitions (an interesting and challenging job right now) and serve as the chair of alumni engagement for the Public Leaderships Education Network, which brings girls from all over the country to learn what you learned in YIG and at Georgetown.

I would absolutely love to help you find a good way to get involved. Let me know if you ever want to chat!



Thanks for posting this, Carly. As a strong female with a voice and platform that reaches so many people, I think you delivered your message beautifully 🙂 Politics has always been difficult for me, I was never comfortable with the “loopholes” and potentially two faced nature of it, and coming from politically active Berkeley, my lack of political rage was frowned upon.
What’s helped me, especially this week and coming to terms with the statement our country made, is that politics isn’t the only channel through which to make a difference. I was worried that I couldn’t make an impact because policies and all that didn’t hold my interest. But then I asked, why not give where I can? As a dietitian, I work actively in my community to bring free health screenings and services to the underserved; to educate people so they can go back to their families, share that information and have a domino effect! I create the community that I want to be a part of, so I give back however I can. We can all make a serious impact in our own ways, we just need to figure our what our strengths are and the best way to get out there. We need politicians, we need community workers, organizers, teachers, we need everyone! Now more than ever I think those efforts will be more encouraged and appreciated.


This really reminded me of the posts you wrote during college. I was always so motivated by them! I’m curious to see what your future career steps will be. Blogger is great but I think there is more to come 🙂


Hi Carly,

I couldn’t agree with you more about our right to vote. This election was so intense for multiple reasons and when I read and saw that people sat this one out and didn’t bother to vote, I was shocked. I know someone who is continually turning a blind eye to this election and saying things such as “get over it,” and a slew of other comments and yet she did not bother to vote, which is hugely upsetting. As women and all American citizens in general, you are so right in saying that voting is the BARE minimum that we could be doing. As women, we should be proud of our right to vote since there are so many who fought for us to have it and everyone as citizens should make their vote count. If those who sat out of the election had voted, we may have a different outcome. It’s debatable.

I think it is fantastic that you want to get involved in politics again and make a difference. Reading this post and the outcome of the election has sparked an interest to get involved as well. I live over here in London as an American and I am going to research some opportunities for how to get more involved in American politics over here – whether that is rallying up expats to make sure they send in their absentee ballots next time around or something more. Thank you for writing this thought provoking post, it really resonated with me.



This is by far one of the most moving, non-partisan posts that I have read after the election. I have never commented on one of your post before, but I have been a loyal reader for several years. After this emotionally exhaustive week, it was so refreshing to read a post that prompts political involvement without ever calling out one side or the other. I voted in my first election this year, but I also forgot the importance of encouraging others (especially females) to be more involved. Attending an all-girls school all my life and now college in DC, I often forget how people outside my bubble have not seen the same determination and “I can do anything even though I am a girl” attitude that I have been blessed to be taught. Thank you for sharing this message to your audience. I think it is one of the most important lessons we can learn from this election no matter your political views.


Thank you for this post. Right now local politics matter more than ever. The voices in the small choir are what can create real tangible change for millions of Americans. Getting discouraged and overshadowed is easy, and going against the culture is hard, but as HRC recently said, “never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world.”


People often think that working in politics means starting off big at the federal level. But, I think it is good to start off on the local level. It is good experience and you can have more of an immediate impact.

I currently sit on the board of directors for my apartment building and while people may not think it is political, it certainly is. I always say it is like a combination of being in Congress and a cast member in Game of Thrones. You have to work to get people elected and then you have to know how to get a majority of people to agree with your idea enough to vote in favor so it will pass. It has been a great learning experience regarding how to strategize and I highly recommend more people get involved in running their local communities, whether an apartment complex, housing development, or town or village.

In addition, out of 15 directors, only four are women and we are all Caucasian women. It is extremely hard to find professional women who are willing to get involved. So get more involved, ladies!


Thank you so much for sharing! I work in government and think most people involved in politics are genuinely good people with their community’s best interests in mind — that said, there IS ugly stuff going on. I totally agree that’s a reason for more of us to get involved, not to check out! Especially at the local level, which has so much more impact on our day-to-day lives than who sits in the Oval Office.

I appreciate your taking a risk to use your platform for this and keeping it positive and party-neutral. We need more calm, rational conversation like this in our country! ❤️


I completely understand feeling like your blog isn’t the place to discuss politics, but I am so glad you wrote this post, Carly. Thanks for speaking up.


So glad you commented, Carly. This post is really inspiring and this election has me fired up as well. I’m a new teacher but now, more than ever, I see the value of stretching myself to get involved in politics and engaging my students to do so as well.


Love this post! You make so many good points about how being passive is detrimental to change and progress. We can be upset or discouraged any day, but we definitely need to be more active in changing the things we don’t like about politics!
I also appreciate the Hamilton reference 😉


I’m really glad you addressed this in a blog post. Sadly, a lot of young people don’t exercise their right to vote, and the impacts of that can be felt everywhere. Personally, I have been voting since I’ve been of legal age and I encourage all my friends to do so, but so few do. It’s sad really when you consider how many have fought for us to have this right, yet so many don’t take advantage of it.


Great post, and thank you for speaking up. This is something I will try to keep in mind as I wrestle with my own thoughts about this election’s results. And also – I love the Hamilton reference at the end! That made me smile.


Carly –

Well done! While so many other influencers have only shared their grievances, I’m delighted that you shared such a positive and constructive take on the election. You couldn’t be more correct with the sentiments you shared. Exercising our right to vote and looking for opportunities to get involved in our communities/government is the real solution. Thank you sincerely for sharing such a mature and positive post! Keep being a light to so many!

Kassie Rempel

Awesome post Carly. Thank you for speaking up. We need more people willing to be engaged and exposed – and yes that means being vulnerable. I think our country will never be the same post Wednesday – not because of the harm to come, but because of the activism it ignited.


Thank you for using your platform to speak out about this, Carly!

Something I do want to touch on, though, is voter registration and voter disenfranchisement. The statistics every four years about voter turnout reflect the proportion of the voting age population that turns out – not the proportion of registered voters who vote. The turnout among registered voters is traditionally very high, but there are very real barriers to voter registration for many populations. Additionally, the gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 has closed many polling places and has disproportionately affected minorities and other traditionally disenfranchised groups.

Getting out the vote is so, so important – and we need to make it easier for all Americans to have their voices heard.


I’m actually shocked at the amount of privilege in this post. As a white woman, the amount of hate crimes (I think it’s over 200 now) against people of color that have been incited in the name of a Trump presidency will never affect you, but it’s only going to get worse. There are millions of minority citizens who now feel hopeless and are terrified for their lives for the next 4 years…and you didn’t include any words of comfort for the despair they’re feeling in this post. Kind of disappointing.

Monica C

Hi Nicole:

After attending a talk with my fellow classmates, I learned a few things. One, the pain that people are feeling are real and raw. Second, people cope in different ways. Third, you should never, ever assume that because people aren’t expressing their pain, that they are not in pain.

With that said, I think it’s disappointing that you are assuming the worst from Carly.

As an Asian woman, I can tell you that I feel completely, utterly blank and confused as to how the result of this year’s election will affect my life. I empathize with Carly. It is not easy for some to publicly express their thoughts, and I think what Carly did was brave and empowering.

Words of comfort are much needed. I agree with you. I stand in solidarity with you. I have marched with my fellow classmates against hatred.

But what I will not do is allow those who are angry be angry at those who do not share the same level of pain…because people are experiencing pain in their own ways. Each one of us is unique. Carly did what most of us don’t dare to do. She admitted where she went wrong.


Abigail Kurtzman

Hey Carly! I am currently interning in DC and going to American University for the semester (like a semester abroad). Unfortunately I was unable to come to your meet up, which I was so upset about because I’ve been following your blog for quite some time!
As someone who is studying politics in college, thank you for providing a non-aggressive, but strong response in the wake of this election. It’s inspiring to see other people (especially influential young women like yourself!) be able to communicate their thoughts about the political atmosphere as a whole and how we can change it, rather than specific results. Thank you again for being so great 🙂


Great post, I love it. Perhaps something involving mental health? If it’s dear to you, we need more people speaking about it. Especially in a non partisan way.

Kim Pultz

I’m really happy to hear your opinions on what has transpired and also to hear a fellow female and blogger considering her place in the political world. I did not attend a school like Georgetown and for most of my life have avoided politics like the plague. But this election really changed that for me. I see how important it is to have a say in the road my country goes down and I want my voice to be much louder in the years to come. I also want to say that, after following your social media posts for a while now, I see that we’re local! I’ve lived in Fairfield county all my life except for attending college in upstate NY. If you do decide to get involved locally with politics, please do share about it! I’d love to get involved as well.


Wow, Carly! I’m not American but I was so impressed and touched by this post. This topic so important and you expressed yourself so eloquently. I really hope you do run for office one day, if you feel inclined again. I think your experiences with mental health issues could actually be a huge asset. I don’t know exactly how America is feeling about this currently, but in Norway there has been a huge movement to be more open about this for the last few years – having people (also important public figures) speak out about their problems, encouraging everyone to help, and to end the social stigma.

I love the content you create, and especially your vlogs. I watch YouTube quite a bit, and yous have seriously been my favourite ones to watch since you started vlogging more. So proud of you for the hard work, I love seeing that your subscriber count rise. Really appreciate your hard work on the videos, and on the engagement with your viewers in the comment section. It always makes me smile, and I’ve wanted to leave a comment saying that for a while – but I’m unfortunately horrible at commenting.

Anyway – my point was that even though I really like the vlogs and the outfit posts – I love, love, love this. Please continue to write about this, and share more about your personal opinions and experiences. I understand the need to seperate personal from private, and the desire to avoid controversial topics, but just know that if you ever change your mind on how to approach it – you have readers eager to read/watch! Even if I might not agree with everyone’s opinions, it’s so important with diversity in all aspects of life, and to learn of other perspectives and get my views challenged.

Phoebe Wright

I am even more proud that I read this blog every morning after this post. You have voiced so many of the things I could not due to my disbelief this week. And in such an eloquent, personal, non confrontational way. Congratulations, Carly. You have my vote any day.


Thank you for taking the time to write this post Carly. Like you I was involved in politics in high school but felt so discouraged when I reached college. This election made me realize how important it is to have my voice hears.


I proud to be a loyal reading of this blog always, but especially today. Thank you for this, Carly!!


I just wanted to mention an organization called She Should Run which is dedicated to helping women run for office. You can nominate other women to run for office or get information on how to do so yourself.


What I appreciate the most about this post is the call to action! I can’t stand people standing on their social media pulpit giving their two cents but not actually doing anything about it! If you don’t like what you see in the world, do something about it and support those who are marginalized in this world instead of lamenting and giving facebook support!! Be the change you want to see in the word ladies instead of being passive! Thank you for your message Carly!


This is so great. In all that I know to be true this is going to be a call to become involved in politics at every level. Humanity is political just by its existence. Thank you for using your voice.


Honestly, I saw you had written a post addressing the election and at first I didn’t want to read it because everything has been so negative lately, but I’m so glad I took the time to read it. A fresh perspective and someone who truly wants to make a change- not just talk about what is wrong and sit there. You go girl!


This is literally the best, most-well written, and most important post that has ever graced your blog.


Thank you so much Carly. This was so refreshing and needed this week. As if I didn’t love you and your blog enough, your ability to address such a currently controversial subject with such elegance and conviction is inspiring


Fantastic post. I usually look at your blog as escapism from my day to day life, but I agree with other posters that this is one of the best and most important posts I’ve seen on your blog. I wish you wrote inspiring messages like this more often – you have a huge following of young women who could really benefit from hearing your thoughts. You made some excellent points here, and did so in a non-partisan and inoffensive way. Bravo, Carly!


Even though I’m British (we definitely have our problems too) this is such a great post and so relevant to the situation in the UK!! You haven’t shied away from a tricky topic and you just aced it!


This has been my favorite post by you Carly! It really made me relate to you and I felt more like you were a friend rather than a blogger I admire. The personal pictures and Georgetown tidbit made me smile because it is SO Georgetown even now.
From one former Hoya to another,
PS. Did you hear this election was the LOWEST voter turn out in the past 20 years. Absolutely appalling.

Maria Fernanda

Carly, I love the way you presented this post by focusing on a possible solution and taking action rather than lingering on which candidate was best.
We should all be more involved!


I have a lot of respect for you for writing this post. I feel like oftentimes bloggers will stay away from discussing political issues to avoid alienating their readers, but it’s completely possible (and important) to have a political discussion without taking sides or attacking anyone for their views. (Side note: Stephen Colbert’s response on the election and the “poison” and divisiveness of politics was amazing and worth watching, if you haven’t seen it yet.) The real winner in Tuesday’s election was apathy, and this is something that we desperately need to reverse. Being politically involved doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to aspire to hold elected office someday (it’s not for everyone, and there are other ways to change the world) – it means fighting for the issues that are important to you and using your voice to enact positive change, whether that means volunteering for / donating to a campaign or organization, encouraging friends and neighbors to vote, or anything else.

Even though I’ve voted in every major election since I came of age and occasionally will donate, I’ve never been that politically active before, and to a degree I have felt somewhat responsible when the outcome of an election hasn’t been what I wanted. I think it goes along the same lines as the “I didn’t vote because it wouldn’t make a difference” mentality. Sure, it’s unlikely that my own individual phone calls to voters or knocks on neighbors’ doors would have made a difference in the outcome, but who knows how many more thousands of people didn’t bother getting involved because they felt this way too? From now on, I always want to be able to say that I at least tried by best to make a difference.

Also, that guy at Georgetown who made the comment about spending a night in the hospital sounds like an unsympathetic jerk (would use a different word, but trying to keep the language on here PG, haha). I appreciate your openness in discussing mental health struggles on the blog in the past, as I think it’s really important that we reverse the stigma.

Olivia Burke

This is the best post I’ve seen post election! While I also wish I had done more to encourage my friends and family to vote like I did, this election also encouraged me to get more involved in my local community! Thanks so much for putting your thoughts out there!


Thank you for posting this. I too was extremely disheartened by the lack of turnout and expressions of futility from my peers. It is so important to be engaged, not only in the elections which get so much coverage, but the local elections/politics as well. We have to inspire change at every level.


Carly, this post is so thoughtful, eloquent and intelligent. It’s too bad that you’re dating someone who blatantly supports a racist and is so ignorant in his social media. It really colors how I read this post and makes me think you don’t care about each and every one of your readers, especially the ones that don’t resemble you and your lifestyle.


This post was awesome! And so reflective of how I felt. I definitely had a lot of emotions about the election results (read: lots of tears), but the most profound was pride.

I have the same desire to get involved, so please share when you find anything good! I’ll do the same 🙂

Diana Pearl

Carly, I’m really blown away by this post (in the best way!) So eloquent and well-said. I agree, I would love to see more people think about running for office. It’s definitely something that has been on my mind over the past week. And I agree, it’s so crazy how many people don’t vote. It’s easy to feel isolated in a bubble of people who do, but it’s so important to encourage others to do so too. Again, thank you for this post. Such a great, bipartisan perspective in the wake of all this craziness.

Melissa Faye

Hi Carly!

I have been reading your blog for some time, but I was not like you growing up. My family was not particularly political. We rarely had political discussions because our views and priorities were always different.

This election, however, brought out a new side in me. While I understand the absolute basics of politics and government (which I do on purpose), I was astounded by the lack of education and the lack of involvement, even though this election was especially heated. So many women, men, baby-boomers, millennials, minorities, democrats, republicans, etc. had so much invested and projected into this election. It is no surprise that an upset would constitute the reaction it has.

I have always wanted to get involved in my community, but I am at a loss. I am doing research, but my fear is that my voice or values won’t matter. That may be everyone’s concern. I am not always one to shout out my opinions, and politics tends to attract the more outspoken types.

I do commend you on your involvement, both past and future. We do have HOPE yet!

-Melissa Faye


Excellent post. One of your best posts in years. While people may come here for shopping advice, you do mix in the personal content, and you did so in a relevant, educated, and rational manner. I saw depth in here beyond your personal style and hope to see more of it!


I absolutely loved this post, Carly. I’m so happy that you chose to weigh in on this in such a raw and honest way; thank you for sharing your experiences with us. And as always, thanks for keeping it classy and unbiased. You are such a great role model for so many, and I really appreciate that you understand that and work to use your influence in the best way possible. I’ll forever be such a big fan of your brand, no matter how it continues to evolve over the coming years.


I adore the message of this post. As someone who wants to get involved in law and public policy and who has very strong political beliefs, this election certainly threw me for a loop. The lack of female involvement in politics is upsetting, although it does seem to be increasing. As a result, I unexpectedly found myself inspired by this election to fight even harder for what I believe in and what I want to accomplish. I love seeing that someone else feels the same way. Hopefully it’ll be a widespread thing, and we’ll finally see voter turnout take a positive turn in 2020!


Thank you for this, I think so many of us have been struggling with where to go from here, and what getting involved is going to look like for each of us. So many of us fail to consider running for office ourselves and I think as woman, it is something we should be strongly considering. The only way to get women in office is to have more of us throwing our hats in the ring. I admire your resolve and I look forward to seeing what is next for you!


I love this post! And I love the fact that you recognize policitical views don’t belong on fashion and lifestyle blogs. This is such an intelligent read and important message from a strong and confident woman. It serves as encouragement. 🙂


I hope this isn’t taken the wrong way, but this is not the post I was expecting to read. I so appreciate your taking the time to write a thoughtful and intelligent response to the election as opposed to being too concerned with maintaining niceties and avoiding conflict. Thank you for using your platform to launch meaningful and impactful discussions.


Kim from 3 peanuts

This is one of my favorite posts of yours. It is brave and honest and empowering. I hope you find a way to get involved and make a difference. No one is perfect and struggling with anxiety in the past is no reason to stay away. You have so much to offer.


I’ve never though about voting as the bare minimum, but that’s so true. We can’t make change if no one gets involved. I love this post, thank you so much for sharing!



Thank you so much for posting this. I co-write a small blog in Kentucky, which is a state that is historically red (in every county but 2) for presidential elections that many people feel their voice does not matter. Following the election, I wrote a post about positive actions to take following Tuesday’s results but was disappointed I did not see more lifestyle blogs stepping up to the plate and discussing the real issues at hand. Thank you for being one of the few! While my post focused on small, immediate actions to start with, I love that you are really pushing the envelope and encouraging people, women in particular, to dream big and get involved in politics. I began reading your blog while I was in high school, and this is just the sort of content that young teenage girls need to continue to see today.

Sarah with Kindly Kentucky

Madeline | Mad's Muses

Carly, I feel the same way about encouraging others to vote. I feel like I waited far too late to say anything about voting, regardless of the candidate my followers support. In retrospect, there is always room for growth. Thank you so much for the encouraging & eye-opening post!




Really well written post without getting controversial or biased! There’s too much heated arguments going on right now on social media, and quite frankly I’m sick of reading whether someone is for or against Trump or Hillary.



I was skeptical to open this post at first after reading so many articles post election. I am glad I did, however because you so eloquently said what so many of us are thinking yet we can’t express.

Thank you for this post. Thank you for your honesty.



Thank you for sharing this post. I am similar in age to you, but your reach in to the younger women segment is why I especially loved this post. It’s encouraging to know those young women who look up to you read this post, and for that, I’m thankful you have this platform. I think it’s important for those who are coming of age to read such a positive post on this election season. Again, thank you for writing this for them.
I surprised myself with how I felt on Wednesday morning. I voted and had always voted but I woke up wondering: “had I done enough.” I found myself googling how to get involved with the fight against climate change; how to make sure everyone who wanted to vote had that opportunity, etc.

I can’t wait to see where your feelings about the election take you, as well as where this call to action takes all the women who read this blog.

Mary Kate

I think this is my favorite post you’ve ever published. Spot on!! Just because we are young women does not mean there isn’t a space for us in the political landscape. This political climate has encouraged me to become more active in community service – you don’t have to run for office to be involved, go volunteer for your favorite charitable organization, make donations to causes close to your heart. So many women fought for our right to vote, we must honor them by using our voices and casting our ballots.


I’ve been reading for such a long time, browsing the pretty posts & gift guides— but this is the best post and content I have read in ~5 years from you! Keep it coming, wonderful message with so much backbone behind it!! The outcome of the election is so scary, but I am so happy everyone is turning their fear into positive action to move America even further!

Krystal // The Krystal Diaries

This is a great post. I think so many girls are told they shouldn’t or can’t get into politics and that’s just wrong. Politics isn’t only a man’s game and I think more girls should be inspired to get into politics and make a difference. Can’t wait to see what you eventually decide to do! Hopefully this election woke many people up and they understand the importance of voting and getting involved.


Thank you so much for posting this. You literally have no idea how much this means to me. I’m a freshman in college, and I’m in the same position that you were, and it has definitely made me feel limited in my options for my future career. But this post has honestly made me reconsider that.
Carly, whatever you choose the pursue, know that you have all of your readers’ support.


THANK YOU for this post! I have been following your blog for a few years now, and really enjoy that it is definitely a nice break from what is going on in the world, and I get some great personal and lifestyle inspiration from your posts!
However, I cannot commend you enough for the fantastic job you have done in this social commentary! Way to go for keeping it neutral and nonpartisan, but still speaking to the big issue of voter apathy that occurred this year.
I am very interested to see what you decide in the future, and cannot wait to read about it, either in this forum, or potentially another!
On that note, I do have a suggestion for getting involved, in a small way to start – look up your local Junior League. Members are very involved in bettering their communities, and a good amount go on to serve either on private or local boards, and more. It’s a great way to learn the issues in your area, and get training on how to be an effective volunteer and change agent.
Good luck!


Thank you for sharing this! It’s been a tough election cycle and I’ve honestly been feeling defeated. I too am trying to figure out how to get involved in a way that feels right for me to be a voice of change. Thank you again for sharing you’re in the same place, too.


I’m a brand new reader – have been enjoying your fun fashion and lifestyle posts – but thoroughly appreciated this piece. Keep up your good work – I hope you’ve made other readers feel empowered!


I really loved reading this post! I love all your posts, but this is one of my favorites and one I will probably come back to. I definitely felt myself getting emotional when I went to vote this time knowing that I would cast my vote for who I hoped would become our first female president. After the election, I was so sad to hear that there were people (my grandparents’ age!) who voted for the first time just because they did not want a woman in the White House. So crazy. I am so glad to hear that you are motivated to become more involved in politics again. This election was an eye opener for me and I would love to do what I can to make a difference in the world. What is the Big Sister program you mentioned? Thank you for sharing and I would love to hear what path you decide to take <3

xo, Taylor


Long time reader, first time commenter.

I work for the federal government and have been so disillusioned this year. I so appreciate that you posted this without leaning towards either candidate, because you know what? I have seen so many posts of disappointment that echo what you said (while maybe not so eloquently/honestly) that become partisan and petty by the end. Instead you have reflected the reality of our country right now. Regardless of who you voted for, women need to say “I will” rather than “I wish,” or “I hope.” How ever you get involved, count me in. As someone who grew up in an affluent town, went to a boarding school, and now work in a job most of my former classmates would scoff at due to my salary…I’m ready to start getting vocal about how I feel.


Great post, Carly! I love your perspective and encouragement. I’m doing some soul-searching as well to determine how I’m going to act. If you are willing to share, please do a follow-up post (or email me!) once you decide! I’d love the extra nudge of inspiration.


I have read your blog for a while now and have always loved the content, but this post made me respect you SO MUCH MORE. Thank you, thank you so much, for utilizing your platform and your voice to spread a powerful message that many need to hear. I’m a law student (it’s horrible, by the way) and completely feel the same way about voter apathy in our country, and reading this gave me so much hope. Thank you again!! Keep being a rockstar girl.

A Girl, A Style

Darling Carly, I love this post so much!

I enjoyed our conversation about politics and the election over brunch back in New York so much, and it was so interesting to follow this election from afar (from a political geek point-of-view, it was fascinating for breaking so many demographic predictabilities and established norms of the game).

Regardless of how anyone voted, I think it is SO important for our generation to vote, get involved in a cause that matters to them, and to stand up and be a part of the democratic process and the political narrative we are so fortunate to be able to participate in, freely.

Thank you so much for promoting the importance of participating in this very special right.

Briony xox

Jackie DeBlieux

I am a frequent reader, and make sure to check your posts as often as I can. I came across this when it was first posted, but was distracted by something, and never read it all the way through. That is, until now, when I followed the link to it from Molly’s post a few days ago. Wow!! Such a great post! If you wouldn’t mind sharing what you have done to be more involved in politics or in your community, that would be awesome as a follow-up! Especially with local elections happening this month (at least for some states, I’m in Louisiana)! Thanks for sharing your life, and encouraging women to share their voices and experiences with the world.


I’d love an update on this post, how you’ve got involved, organizations to check out, and how others can help. Would be awesome w the midterms coming up!


I’ve honestly failed! My recent move (to another state!) hasn’t helped either
