
hello 2020

For the past few years, I’ve been setting intentions that I want to stick to for the year. (Kind of like setting an intention before practicing yoga.) My intention for last year was to focus on my daily habits. I have to give myself some credit here because I think I did a great job with this. A huge help was that I read The Power of Habit this spring. I cannot recommend the book enough. It’s scientifically-backed and anecdotally driven (which I think is the best as it’s entertaining and actually worthwhile) and deep dives into everything you could ever want to know about habits. From breaking bad habits to setting good ones, this book covers it all. This would be a GREAT book to read during the first few weeks of the year, especially if you’re setting resolutions.


So what is my intention for 2020? I want to focus on not comparing myself to others. I have found myself falling victim to this a lot and it affects how I feel about myself. Which is so not healthy.

There’s this quote I saw floating on the Internet about life not being fair and you should only be looking at someone else’s bowl to make sure they have enough, not to see if they have more than you. It’s what I want to keep top of mind. I like that it covers both the issue of comparison and also compassion for the people around you.

Meditation has been very beneficial for my anxiety and an additional side effect was feeling more present than ever. But I know I can be even better with appreciating where I am, what I have, and who I am right now. With social media, it’s easier than ever to think, “I don’t have this,” or “I wish I had that,” or “life would be easier if this and that.”  I’m very motivated by goals, which is great, but there is also a freeing element of feeling okay exactly where you are and who you are.

So that’s my intention for 2020! Anyone else setting an intention for the year?

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Such a good intention! Mine for 2020 is to be more patient – with others and with myself. I’ve been rushing from goal to goal lately and the slower pace of adult/professional achievement (versus college achievement) is something Ive struggled with in recent years.

Happy New Year!! X


Ooo, could you find that bowl quote and post it on Instastories? I think that’s a really great lesson for kids too. Similar to not cutting others down as a way to build yourself up. There is room for everyone at the table.


Unfortunately it’s from Louis CK’s tv show who, considering the news that came out in the past few years, I don’t want to support. But I do like his bowl quote


Who in their right mind knowingly chooses to make their year’s guiding quote one from a man who masturbated in front of his subordinates, women who felt they had no way of objecting or protesting without endangering their careers?

yancey williams

“You should only be looking at someone else’s bowl to make certain they have enough”, may, in fact, be the best quote I’ve ever come across, and is now, officially, my motto for the year. Thank you, dear Carly.


Love idea of setting an intention!
Also just a note, 2020 is a leap year so you have 366 days 😉

Leanne Hallett

Hey there, I came across your blog through your YouTube video on tips for blogging when I was setting my site just recently. I read different posts of yours and just love your content. It inspired me a lot. Maybe you can take a look at my blog too and I am very willing if you have some tips on how to promote my site and get people to actually read it – like real bloggers not just my friends in Malta … I love writing and I hope that I can keep believing I am good at it. Thank you xx All the best for 2020

Elizabeth Butler

My new year is similar to your intention. However, my word for the year is gratitude. I want to start my day with a thank you and end my day with a thank you.

Happy New Year! 🎆


My intention this year is to not let other people’s opinions influence me as much. I’ve learned from experience that people don’t always practice what they preach.. yet I always try to apply what others recommend. It’s often been my loss to not go with my gutt.


New Year – significantly improve health through means of will rather than restriction, be positive and gentle, talk less (listen more), connect in person more frequently with friends and family, finalize adult wardrobe (get rid of all twenties clothes).


Thanks, as always, for sharing! My goal is to be more intentional. I have a 3 year old and every day he shows me examples of how he sees me or views the world because of what I say or do. I want to be more intentional about that “power,” if you will, to shape his upbringing.


I like to set a “word” for the year, and some goals that align with it. 2020’s word is “Persevere” since I will begin studying for the bar exam next month, and sitting for it in July! So that is my main intention: pass the bar. I do have some smaller personal goals (i.e. save more money, declutter my apartment, and do more workouts at home), but the main event is the test.
